Sunday, November 21, 2010

Strip searches, groping and the illusion of "Safety"

In my last post, I ranted about being called a "sheep" for possibly subjecting myself to the indignity of undergoing either a virtual naked picture or being handled on the genitalia and breasts by glorified security guards as a condition of getting on an airplane.

I was supposed to go to Sacramento for a ragtime festival in which my significant other is appearing. When we bought the tickets in September, I wasn't aware of the presence of the scanner at O'Hare, from whence I would be flying. Even so, had I been selected for the random screening and refused the scanner, I would have been subjected to a normal pat-down. It wasn't until Nov. 1 that the Transportation Security Administration decided groping genitals and squeezing breasts were the "alternative" to nudie shots.

Well, after several sleepless nights and much agonizing, I decided to forgo the flight and stay home. I cannot tell you how difficult that decision was. My S.O. does not understand and feels that my refusal to accompany him was a lack of support for him. Of course, the cost of the ticket is non-refundable. So, big fight at home (and we almost never fight), financial loss much anxiety and anguish later, I'm sitting at home contemplating the state of affairs in our country. And I am ANGRY.

Having endured a groping as a child, I could hardly stand watching this video of a 3-year-old girl being "patted" (yeah... right):

I know - some of you who are parents see a cranky child being difficult. But as our perceptions are influenced by our experiences, I was screaming right along with that child, "Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" Now, I don't live my life as a victim. I don't dwell on those things which happened to me in the past, and while I still harbor anger and resentment about not having had justice served, I'm past most of the feelings of trauma. At least I thought I was. Funny how those things which we have buried deep in our psyche can bubble up when our memories are stirred or we are stressed, just as the Herpes virus which causes Chicken Pox can lurk deep in our tissues, only to emerge years later as shingles. So, here it was Tuesday and I was already feeling traumatized over what I MIGHT go through on Thursday.

But that isn't the only abuse I've seen the TSA perpetrate horrendous indignities on innocent people with no intent to do anything but get on a plane to fly somewhere:

So, on the one hand, I have people saying we're all sheep for putting up with this. On the other, people are saying that the TSA must do this to keep us safe, so buck up and get over it or (and this is my favorite!) "DON'T FLY." That really should be followed up with a pththththttttt!! or at least "Nyah-nee-nyah-nee-nyah-nah."

Well, if looking at just this small sampling of TSA harassment really makes you feel safer, I must question your common sense. But gee... at least it's fair, and after all you wouldn't put it past the terrorist thugs to plant explosives on a tiny boy or in an octagenarian's prosthetic leg or a cancer survivor's prosthetic breast (or to inject some in her gel implant), right? So, let's take a look at just how safe these NEW procedures are keeping us, really, and how much an improvement they are over the old metal detector and wanding procedures they've been using since 9/11/01, shall we?

Let's start by counting the number of commercial airliners that have fallen out of the sky at the hands of terrorists since then; specifically, domestic flights. That's okay, I'll wait while you Google it. Still waiting... Okay, NONE. A UPS cargo plane came down, not in the US, though. That is ZERO for some 102 MILLION flights.

Now, let's count how many terrorists trying to get on planes have actually been caught by TSA agents through routine passenger screening. That's okay... I'll wait. Um... NONE. So, just in case you were thinking that zero planes down was a testament to how well the TSA is doing, that ought to burst your bubble.

While looking up other things, I discovered a very interesting website for a group called the Airline Pilots Security Alliance. Their site hasn't been updated in a while, but I've been assured by president Dave Mackett that they're in the process of doing that and will be pushing hard on Congress in January. Here are some snippets from their spotlight article:

"The security strategy we use to protect this incomprehensibly large system was designed 40 years ago to deter rank amateurs from carrying guns onto airplanes to hijack them to Cuba. The threat we face today is anything but amateur. Al Qaeda is smart, patient, extraordinarily motivated, well-funded, and, above all, suicidal. There is presently no widely-deployable technology that has a significant chance of keeping such a well-prepared enemy out of such an impossibly large system every time – even most times.


"The American Airlines shoebomber passed through screening not once, but twice, wearing explosive-laden shoes, and was not detected despite being detained and questioned for hours within a month after intelligence warned of potential shoebombers; an untrained Maryland college student doing his own 'personal testing' of airline security successfully planted simulated weapons and explosives on multiple commercial airliners several years ago. He was successful every time he tried -- and in some cases, the weapons were not detected for weeks.

"Perhaps most damning, two recent classified TSA reports leaked to the public, confirm TSA screeners at multiple airports, failed to detect more than 90 percent of hidden weapons concealed by testers. This failure rate is nearly identical to that confirmed by a former FAA Red Team leader in covert penetration tests before 9/11. And these failures do not even consider an entire class of nearly undetectable weapons, like carbon knives and liquid explosives.


"Layer upon layer of new and more intrusive security, reacting to the latest 'just-discovered threat' cannot be the default response as time goes on. Focusing on defending the targets, and smarter, more selective passenger screening, as well as research and investment into less intrusive standoff screening and behavioral profiling, advantages not only the security of the traveling public -- it dovetails nicely into the revenue objectives of the airline industry by not alienating the very passengers the industry needs to remain robust. And it addresses the civil rights concerns of passengers who feel unnecessarily violated by the screening requirement. ..."

If you still think you're safe, go to their homepage and read all the articles under the heading, "How Safe Are You?" Or just read their summary article, "Reliability of Our Airline Security System as a Whole: There is very little chance we will be able to prevent or defend against the next 9/11."

They claim:

"The new 'multilayered' airline security system is a sieve, in which none of the layers work. Even all of them together cannot hope to prevent the kind of rehearsed, coordinated, well-planned terrorist attack Al Qaeda is capable of. Our government has spent $12 billion on airline security and recent government reports have found we’re no safer than we were before. ...

"It will take incorruptible people in positions of power who recognize the urgency of defending against future terror attacks and the truly woeful lack of preparedness of our present air security system, and are steadfast and fearless enough to put aside partisanship and special interests for the security of our country, to make us safe from future attacks, and to provide for the American people, true airline security.

"It will also take the concerted will of the country to hold them accountable to do so. Our failure to prevent future attacks will have devastating repercussions for American lives, our economy, our freedom and our collective futures.

"If Al Qaeda conducts a well-organized, coordinated attack on our airline industry tomorrow, there is much too great a chance they will succeed."

In test after test, agents and amateurs have been able to sneak weapons past checkpoints with 90-95% success rates. The scanners were put in place with the excuse that the Underwear/Christmas bomber would have been stopped. No, he wouldn't. Even David Pistole, the current talking head of the TSA, wouldn't quite go so far as to guarantee it when interviewed by Juan Williams on Nov. 19 (sorry, I can't find video on this, but trust me - he stopped short of saying the scanners and/or pat-downs would have caught that guy). But here's the deal - the Nigerian did not board the plane in the U.S. He had no passport. Security authorities in several countries were notified that the guy was a threat, but still he waltzed through security and onto a plane bound for the US. YOU JUST CAN'T FIX STUPID.

Oh, and speaking of not being able to fix stupid, check out this story, "Another TSA Outrage." It tells the tale of a soldier on his way home from Afghanistan on a military charter. Feel safer yet?

Even Congressman John Mica, one of the original authors of the bill establishing the TSA, has written to heads of more than 150 airports, asking them to opt out of TSA screening:

"When the TSA was established, it was never envisioned that it would become a huge, unwieldy bureaucracy which was soon to grow to 67,000 employees," Mica writes. "As TSA has grown larger, more impersonal, and administratively top-heavy, I believe it is important that airports across the country consider utilizing the opt-out provision provided by law."

In addition to being large, impersonal, and top-heavy, what really worries critics is that the TSA has become dangerously ineffective. Its specialty is what those critics call "security theater" -- that is, a show of what appear to be stringent security measures designed to make passengers feel more secure without providing real security. "That's exactly what it is," says Mica. "It's a big Kabuki dance."

So, let's see. No commercial passenger airliners out of 102 million since 9/11/01 have been taken out by terrorists. No terrorists have been caught in passenger screening. An awful lot of amputees, cancer victims, little old ladies, tiny tots and other innocent people have been shaken down, fondled, handcuffed, arrested, harassed, groped and humiliated, and I'll just bet the TSA has a huge collection of cigarette lighters, nail clippers, baby formula, applesauce, knitting needles and other everyday items which have never been used in a terror attack and could hardly be imagined as weapons. Even one of the creators of the TSA is telling airports to opt out. Common sense would dictate that these security measures are just not worth the hassle and expense.

But there's another thing that bugs me on a very deep emotional level. It's called the Constitution; and specifically the Bill of Rights.

Amendment 4 - Search and Seizure. Ratified 12/15/1791.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

I'm a law-abiding citizen with no criminal history, no ties to terrorism, no international associations outside of Canada and Europe. Even my driving record is so clean you can eat off it.

My purchasing a plane ticket to go to a ragtime festival does not constitute probable cause. Making me stand for nude imaging and groping my genitals and breasts are NOT REASONABLE SEARCHES.

I've had friends tell me that safety should trump the Constitution. Really? As far as I'm concerned, our safety lies within the Constitution. If "safety" came first, I suppose next they could put us into chutes, have us take off all of our clothes and do a full body cavity search, plus some sort of MRI to make sure we haven't swallowed explosives in balloons that are hidden in our stomachs. Maybe police should go from house to house, doing thorough searches for drugs, unregistered firearms or other contraband to keep us "safe."

Maybe we should just tear up our Constitution, which is supposed to protect us from unreasonable searches and seizures, which is pretty much what we do when we allow ourselves and our children to be treated like this. But remember that it is the Constitution which stands between us and tyranny. It guarantees that our freedoms remain intact and we remain unmolested by our government. Government workers sticking their hands down our pants, squeezing our "junk," without reasonable cause is so very, very wrong.

I'm told over and over again, "If you don't like it, don't fly." Okay. I didn't. Now hear this:


I say LOSE THE SCANNERS, STOP MOLESTING US. If you're afraid that the skies will no longer be safe, YOU DON'T FLY.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sexual Molestation at Airports

This morning, as I was going through my Facebook, I noticed that the chatter over the oppressive practice of body scanning or groping is reaching a fever pitch. I have to go on a short trip in a couple of days and I'm pretty much terrified about what I may be subjected to in order to get on an airplane. I've tried to get out of going on this trip, and I hope to never fly again until this practice is stopped, but I really don't have much of a choice. But I read a comment today that sent me over the top. A very well-meaning person, a fellow freedom fighter, made a comment that people who go through this virtual strip search/fondling were "sheep." I blew a gasket. Here's my reply:

@C___ - "Sheep"? Think about this for a minute. I have to get on a plane myself in the very near future. I was RAPED as a teenager and molested as a child. I'm turning myself inside out over the thought of what I will have to endure at the airport as a condition of getting on a plane. I'm having anxiety attacks. I'm scared to DEATH of what kind of memories this treatment will bring to the surface (and a lot of them are already surfacing and being re-lived). I HAVE to get across the country and driving is not an option due to cost and time. If I could get out of this, I would. If you don't have to fly somewhere, it's easy to sit there and call other people "sheep." Anyone who knows me can tell you that I'm anything BUT a "sheep." I feel angry. I feel violated. I feel like I'm going to be molested all over again. I would ask you, as someone who considers herself as a non-"sheep", what is your better idea? I don't know if I'll make it through the ordeal, and if I don't, I won't be on that plane and it will wreak havoc in my life and my relationship. Having to make a tough decision in the face of the increasing oppression and violation our government is subjecting us to does not make one a SHEEP.

My "history" is not something I choose to think of very much, nor do I allow it to ruin my quality of life. But now having to face this choice has dug up a lot of baggage which I would prefer to remain buried. I heard this morning that they're even doing this to LITTLE CHILDREN. I'm so sickened by this government intrusion - no, MOLESTATION - I could scream.

And I would ask you, what are YOU doing to stop the government from their march toward totalitarian oppression? I'm assuming a leadership position in our local Tea Party. I campaigned for candidates who respect our God-given rights and our Constitutional rights. I write a blog. I talk to legislators. If you're not out there, sticking your neck out, organizing friends and neighbors, doing everything humanly possible to stop the tide of oppression short of violence, then you, I respectfully submit, have NO RIGHT to call ME or anyone a SHEEP.

This crap MUST STOP NOW. The government does not have the right to "pat us down" using methods which, outside the airport, would be considered SEXUAL ASSAULT. Even the thought of what I might be subjected to has been a trauma. I still might back out of this trip, but much damage has already been done. This should not be a condition of flying.

Please, dear readers, get on the phone or send an email to your legislators and tell them we will not stand for this. But if you think it's okay to do this to 50-year-old ladies, 4-year-old boys and nuns, in the name of "safety," then, as Benjamin Franklin said, you deserve neither liberty NOR safety.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Onward, Tea Party Soldiers...

Yesterday was sure a mixed bag election wise. As a conservative, I should be elated at the change in power in Congress, but the results of local elections has almost entirely sapped my enthusiasm.

The election, short of a couple bright spots, were largely a disaster here in Northern Illinois. A lot of good, honorable people were chewed up and spit out by the political cartels. We have so much more work to do, if we can make it through the next couple of years. I'm thinking it might be time to move to Wisconsin.

Corruption and cronyism is rife in both parties. Out here in northern Illinois (as in most of the rest of the state, if not the entire country), party voting is a matter of choosing which cartel appears to pay you better. It's despicable. One of my good Facebook friends who was running for office in another state opined that the root of our country's problems is failure of political types to adhere to the Constitution. As far as I'm concerned, it's more than just lacking adherence to the Constitution which is to blame - it's a resignation to the perceived inevitability of being assimilated by one machine or another. It's elites in our local, state and federal government capitals making deals and appointing kings, all the while appearing to have our best interests at heart. I'm so disgusted I could spit.

And I have to wonder what people are thinking. Winnebago county has boasted the highest crime rate in the state of Illinois, yet the voters re-elected the man who has presided over this shameful blot, Sheriff Dick Meyers, passing over a fine and honorable man, Aaron Booker. Of course, they didn't have a chance to learn about that fine and honorable man because the local paper didn't cover much at all about the race except for the dog and pony show which ensued when the sheriff dragged Booker before a merit commission on trumped up disciplinary charges.

In legislative district 69, we had a very viable candidate, Robert Brokish, who lost rather handily to incumbent Democrat Chuck Jefferson, endorsed by the local paper for being a big suck on the teat of our already broke state government. Nice. Hey, voters! Hope you enjoy our tax increase coming down the tubes. Can you afford it? I guess you can.

And speaking of our broke state government, we still don't know who will be our next governor - fiscal conservative Bill Brady, or Blago protegé Pat Quinn, who has presided over perhaps the greatest financial debacle in the country. DUH. That should have been a no-brainer.

Gratefully, Congressman Don Manzullo, a good and pretty solid conservative, retained his seat, and so did State Senator Dave Syverson, although not without a few nail-biting moments as results vacillated as they trickled in. The Winnebago county board is now comprised of an overwhelming majority of Republicans, and some of the new members are conservative and hold to Tea Party principles.

Rockford Tea Party coordinator David Hale posted a rather wistful lament on Facebook this morning, along with a plea for more guidance and participation within the group. Criticism started to fly - everyone has an opinion and yes, they are entitled to them, but soon some of the disgruntled began to predict the end of our little Tea Party. It's not the end. This is just the beginning. We have much work to do. We have not been as successful as we would have liked. We aim to change that.

Remember that the Tea Party is more of a philosophy than an organization and our principles are these:
  • Fiscal responsibility
  • Lower taxes
  • Free markets
  • Constitutionally limited government
These are not new ideas, nor are they the exclusive property of any particular party or organization, nor are they "extreme" or "radical," as the Tea Party has been painted. These ideas will not die and We the People who are committed to them are not going away any time soon. We stand ready to be more effective in getting our message out and we believe that We the People will, sooner or later, realize that they can vote for their own best interests rather than whichever cartel seemingly offers the most benefits.

Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I don't believe the people of this state are at all insane, but I do believe they have been lied to and made to believe promises like those of an abusive spouse who says, "Gee, honey, I'm sorry. I won't hit you again." Yes, he will hit you again. Hitting you is on his list of acceptable choices. We the Tea Party hope to help you learn how to duck. Better yet, to escape and step out of the cycle. We have our work cut out for us in Illinois.

"It does not take the majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tierless minority, keen on setting a brush fire of freedom in the minds of men."
~ Samuel Adams
"One man with courage is a majority."~Thomas Jefferson

Oh, and while you were paying attention to the election...

The Federal Reserve did something today that in February they promised they would not do - they monetized our national debt to the tune of $600 billion. Add that to the $1.7 billion they already monetized and we're in a whole world of trouble. If you don't know what that means, essentially the fed is issuing IOUs to sell in order to raise money (treasury bonds and other government debt), then printing its own money and buying those IOUs. This causes a great increase in the money supply. When the money supply increases without a corresponding increase in economic activity to stabilize its value, what results is inflation. The greater the imbalance, the greater the chance for hyperinflation. If you don't know what that is, you might want to read up on what happened in the Weimar Republic following WWI. Even the controversial Maynard Keynes observed: ""The inflationism of the currency systems of Europe has proceeded to extraordinary lengths. The various belligerent Governments, unable, or too timid or too short-sighted to secure from loans or taxes the resources they required, have printed notes for the balance."

They hope you're not watching - that you're distracted by the elections. They're not so far off, are they?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What are YOU trying to accomplish on Election Day?

I can't answer that question for you. Before you go vote today, I hope you will think long and hard about your answer. You've probably already made up your mind, but if you have any doubt, keep reading.

If you're going to the polls today because you like the direction your country, your state, your local municipality is going, then by all means, you should vote for the incumbent or the party of your incumbent, especially if it's the majority.

Me - I don't. I deeply fear for the direction in which our country is going. I also deeply fear for the direction in which Illinois is going. We're broke. There is no more money except for whatever the Fed can print, and the more it prints, the less value our savings will have in the future. Our economy is in horrible shape. Don't let the bastards tell you this is a "jobless recovery": without jobs, there IS no recovery. Jobs = productivity, and without productivity we have no economy, no growth and no future. The Obamacare abomination has very few redeeming qualities, but a whole lot of crippling provisions designed, intentionally or not, to break the backs of the insurance companies, take discretion away from your doctors, saddle businesses and individuals with burdensome taxes and mandates and red tape. Much has nothing to do with health care at all (like the 1099 mandate). It takes our choices away (men, ask yourselves - do you really need maternity benefits? You're forced to pay for them now). If Cap and Trade is passed, can you afford it when your energy bills "necessarily skyrocket," as Obama said? I can't.

So, I'm voting for two things, in this order: 1.) to stop the president's agenda and 2.) to reverse the growth of government intrusion and reduce the size of government and our tax burden.

As a conservative, I have felt for a long time that I have little representation in government. In Illinois, we have perhaps the worst parade of RINOs in the GOP outside of California. And the choices I have this year for certain offices are pitiful. It would be very easy for me to vote for some very worthy 3rd party candidates - Libertarian and Constitution party or even independents in protest. But I have to consider what that would accomplish.

To stop the president's agenda, and to stop the governor's agenda, my most important objective must be to unseat every sitting Democrat I can. And much as I hate to say it, the only way I can see to achieve that goal is to vote Republican, even if that Republican is a despicable RINO. In the congress, majority party matters, even if individual congressmen vote with the opposing party. The third party candidates might fulfill my second objective, but would do nothing to achieve my primary objective.

A VOTE FOR A THIRD PARTY CANDIDATE IS A VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT. At least, it is for now. Things may be different in two years if they GOP lets us down again, but for now, it's true.

I've always been a straight Republican voter, with minor exceptions. 2008 was the first time in my life I really felt that I was holding my nose when I voted. This year, my stomach is turning. I very much want to vote Libertarian or Constitution, but that will not achieve my primary objective - to unseat Democrats. In this state, there's no question that the party machine is corrupt and rotten to the core - I'm hoping that we can either fix that, or at least improve that, within the next two years. If the Tea party doesn't go away, which it won't if I can help it, 2012 will be the year the GOP dies, and it will be a bloodbath.

I won't fall into the "character" trap, especially in the house and senate. Character counts, but not nearly so much as party.

At a Republican political function on Saturday, I introduced myself as being from the Tea Party. Someone who had been speaking with GOP muckity-mucks recently, said to me, "Oh, my God, they're scared to death of you!"

My instantaneous reaction was, "Good! They should be." This is the way at least some of our founding fathers intended our government to be.

"When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." -- Thomas Jefferson

I do not want to tell you how to vote. You have to vote your conscience. But whatever you do, whatever your political beliefs, by all means VOTE!

How I'm voting:

If I want to fire Harry Reid (assuming he'll pull his ass from the fire), I must vote for a Republican for Senate, even if it's the slimy Mark Kirk. I detest Kirk, and his constant harassment of endless robo-calls and negative campaign ads have done nothing to endear me to him. But as I did with McCain, I'm going to hold my nose and vote for him. Yes, we'll be stuck with him for six years, but all I can hope for is that we'll have a good shot at Durbin in a couple of years. Some that I've talked to expect Kirk will go with the flow to represent his constituency. I have no reason to believe that, but they may be right. I can hope. And if the Tea Party continues to be a force in politics, perhaps we can pressure him enough to stay on the conservative side of things.

For governor and Lt. Governor, I'm going for Bill Brady and Jason Plummer, although neither of them set me on fire. Brady is so busy sucking up to the machine, I'm losing hope already that he'll be conservative, but this is a vote against Quinn as much as anything else. My objective is to unseat Quinn, period.

I wish to hell the Republicans had come up with someone qualified to run against AG Lisa Madigan. I might vote a 3rd party there. Who the hell is Steve Kim? I don't think he's ever prosecuted a case before and that's a real problem. Oh, but he promises to be sensitive to minorities and the elderly. HUH? The AG should be sensitive to one thing - THE LAW.

Secretary of State - I really haven't been able to come up with any real dirt on Jesse White. Personally, I like Roberto Enriquez, but he has spent too much time wooing the Hispanic vote and ignoring the rest of us. I have to wonder about his agenda. Being a Dem is not enough for me to want to fire White. The previous Secretary of State was Republican George Ryan. He's still in prison.

Comptroller - Judy Baar Topinka has been marginal, and we didn't get into this financial mess without her complicity. I might go for the Libertarian here, Judy Fox. She's the only CPA in the race! Having spent a good 7 years of my life in accounting, IT MATTERS.

Treasurer - I do wish Rutherford had an accounting background as well. Party isn't so much a consideration here, but he looks like a party loyalist.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Robert Brokish closes gap in race for State Rep in D-67

Rob Brokish has had a tough fight this election. He's running against an entrenched Democratic incumbent, Chuck Jefferson, in a very mixed district in the southwest quadrant of Rockford and environs. Even though he's done the requisite time as a party foot soldier, serving as both a precinct committeeman and even appointed Vice-Chair of the Winnebago county GOP, the powers that be in the Illinois Republican Central Committee have decided that giving him any money at all just might prompt the Big Boys in Chicago to throw a bunch of money at Jefferson, and then, gee, that just might knock some other Republican incumbents off the cliff. So, good guys like Rob are left to scratch for money just to buy campaign signs.

That gutless rag, the Rockford Register Star, which has pretended to be alarmed over the financial condition of Illinois and the corruption which is rife (which they ignore in their own back yard), had the nerve to endorse Jefferson because, essentially, he's a suck-up to Mike Madigan, and was mentored by his predecessor in office, Edolo J. "Zeke" Giorgi (with known Mob ties), shows up at events to show he cares, and is in a better position than his opponent to try to suck money from the dry teat of Illinois' treasury (read that: taxpayers). Brokish has been trailing his opponent by about 15% at previous best guess, since his cash-starved campaign can't afford polling.

But his campaign got a little surprise last week. They got a call from downstate - the Illinois GOP did a little polling themselves and found that Brokish had closed the gap, trailing Jefferson by a mere 3 or 4 points - well within the margin of error.

Folks, this is a miracle!!!

I'm going to share with you something I sent to all my Rockford friends way back in June. Please copy it, share it, email it to your friends. A couple hundred votes could make the difference for this guy who deserves a chance to represent us in Springfield and help turn this shipwreck around. It's not too late for contributions, but if you have any friends in the 67th district or who might have friends in the 67th, please pass this along to them!

Open Letter to all my friends in Illinois and beyond…

As you probably know, I’m more concerned than ever about the future of our country and also of our state. We’ve reached a point where our freedoms are more threatened than ever. Our state and federal budgets are a shambles and out-of-control deficit spending is the rule rather than the exception. These conditions threaten our jobs, our future security and that of our children and our very way of life.

The state of Illinois is completely out of control. With a budget of $26 billion, we are facing a $13 billion shortfall - the worst fiscal crisis in the country outside of California. Yet a measure calling for a forensic audit of the state’s finances to identify waste and fraud was just defeated in the state house on a straight party line vote - Dems voting against the audit, Republicans voting for it. Nobody even knows what’s in the budget that was just passed and we’re staring down massive tax increases and hasty and draconian budget cuts - the latter only if our legislature decides to make tough decisions, which they’ve managed to avoid thus far - and yet not a single Democrat broke ranks to open the books!

For those reasons, I’m doing whatever I can to support candidates everywhere who have shown a commitment to fiscal responsibility, free markets and Constitutional integrity. One of those candidates is a newcomer, Robert Brokish, Jr., running for State Representative in District 67 which covers the Rockford Metro area. Rockford is the third largest city in Illinois which makes Dist. 67 one of the most important in the state outside of Chicago.

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Rob on a number of occasions and can tell you that besides being a nice guy, he is committed to the principles I believe are critical to restoring our state to financial health, to restoring jobs and preserving our personal prosperity. In this era of out-of-touch politicians who care little about their constituencies, I find Bob’s willingness to listen a refreshing quality. I regret that I live outside of his district and thus cannot vote for him, but I have sent a contribution, albeit a small one. I only wish I could do more.

Anymore, merely voting for the representative of your choice in your district is not enough to ensure that our future state legislature is composed of individuals who can save it. If you care about the future of your state, I strongly urge you to consider making a contribution, even a small one, to this candidate in this most important district. If every one of you could forego a coffee and donut at Starbucks, it would make a difference. You can also help by passing this letter along to your friends and acquaintances. I wouldn’t ask this if we weren’t in very dangerous times.

More information is on his website:

His positions are available on Project Vote Smart:

Find him on Facebook:!/robert.brokish?v=info

Thank you for listening. It’s time to stop the insanity!

The 800-pound Gorilla

I meant to write this yesterday, but have been debating with myself about how best to go about it. There are some things which get sorta scary, and when things are scary, it's easy to jump to faulty conclusions. So I beg your forgiveness in advance if, while connecting the dots, I accidentally include a few dots which are on the periphery and are not part of the picture. You, dear reader, must do your homework and decide for yourself.

I can't say I was surprised when I saw that the Rockford Register Star endorsed Dick Meyers for Sheriff, but even though I expected it, I was disappointed. Having worked on a local paper for several years, I understand that local media fills a niche that nothing else can. Your local paper and TV stations bring you news of what is most likely to affect your life and your immediate future. The good people of Winnebago county have endured years of having the highest crime rate in the state of Illinois. I'm baffled when a paper like the RRStar goes 100 percent in the tank for the status quo. Something is really wrong in Rockford, and the Star is obviously not ready to be part of the solution.

I gotta hand it to the Rock River Times. Over the years, they have done some excellent reporting - some real digging and some brave exposés. They had the nerve to buck the Courthouse country club and not only endorsed Aaron Booker for Sheriff, but handed down a strong indictment of Meyers. They get it, at least on this race.

"Many people have really been waiting for a good candidate to run against Democrat Meyers. He is Don Gasparini’s heir. He has employed and promoted members of his family and friends, including the Gasparinis, for years. Yes, it’s called nepotism, and many people have come into the offices of this paper to complain about that, but they’d never go on the record. Fear of reprisals or loss of their jobs was very apparent.

"Many of those people were sheriff’s deputies. They have and continue to complain about low morale within the department. They say the majority of deputies support Booker and are excited about the possibility of Meyers’ defeat.

"Resentment over perceived preferential treatment and promotions are a large part of this problem. The allegations that Sheriff Meyers made sure his son, Deputy Chief Scott Meyers, had proper test scores on his lieutenant exam have been around for a long time. The problem was key witnesses would not go on the record with the allegations.

"There are other witnesses I am aware of who have made these allegations, but now former Sheriff’s Lt. Steve Kudzma has made the allegations on WNTA radio and in the local daily.

"Kudzma never spoke to this paper directly, but several of his fellow officers relayed the allegations he has now made public.

"You could say this is just a bunch of disgruntled employees who want to replace their boss with one of their own. However, after years and years of repeated complaints, I must say something is very wrong in the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department.

"The continual resurrection and delay of a full hearing on charges against Meyers’ opponent, Aaron Booker, is just par for the course. These tactics are so revelatory in themselves, voters should really want Meyers out. When a man prosecutes his opponent for an elected office and leaves the verdict hanging before the election, that is a lowly smear campaign.

"Deceptive campaigns are nothing new to Meyers. The improper and deceitful push to build the taxpayer money pit known as the Winnebago County Justice Center has been well documented in this paper by our former reporter Jeff Havens. The “just 1-cent” public relations juggernaut everyone fell for was lead by the former Winnebago County State’s Attorney Paul Logli, the former Winnebago County Board Chairman Kristine Cohn and Meyers. Their scare tactics built Meyers an empire. He doesn’t want to give that power up, and he does not react well to any type of challenge of any kind. Look at his reaction to these latest charges.

"Meyers is used to having his way in his own little world, and he’ll cover for his own until everyone calls him on the carpet. Look at how he originally casually dismissed the sexual harassment charges about the computer porn that was passed around his office. Anyone who did that in any other office would get canned so quickly, they’d spin like a top out the door. Yet, in an office that supposedly enforces laws against such things, it’s a casual matter under Meyers."

Still, this has nothing to do with crime. Now you, dear Rockford friends, may not live in a high crime area and you may not think it affects you. If you read only the RRStar, you would believe that.

The Times reported on a rather interesting gathering on Aug. 4, 2005. State Rep. Chuck Jefferson (who is being opposed by the most worthy Robert Brokish) called a meeting to discuss crime. This should get your attention:

Important crime topics not discussed at meeting

Winnebago County's incarceration rate tops former Soviet Union; organized crime not addressed

About 25 representatives from several government and non-government agencies met Aug. 4 in a 90-minute roundtable discussion about crime in the Rockford area. While the group, headed by State Rep. Chuck Jefferson (D-67), addressed issues relating to property, drug, sex and violent crimes, conspicuous by its absence was the lack of discussion about white-collar and organized crime.

Even though outgoing Rockford Police Chief Steve Pugh and the Rev. Perry Bennett of Macedonia Baptist Church said June 23 that "trust" in police and public officials was key to crime reduction, the group discussed conditions relating to blue-collar crime, such as installation of exterior video cameras throughout the city, probable cause for police searches of vehicles, concerns about racial profiling, sensitivity training for police, improved programs for former inmates on parole, and convicted sex offenders in the community and public housing.


Asked whether the committee would discuss white-collar and organized crime at their next meeting, given that trust in public officials is key to crime reduction, James Burns, legislative aide to Jefferson responded: "That's a very, very good point."

Rockford's incarceration rate HIGHER THAN IN THE SOVIET UNION? Organized crime? Something is very wrong with this picture. Now your head should start to spin:

According to Wayne Johnson, former chief investigator for the Chicago Crime Commission, the most perilous aspect of organized crime is its potential to corrupt the legislative and judicial process through campaign contributions, and support of judges and key public officials.

Johnson fears that with focus on blue-collar crime, gangs and homeland security, "nobody" is monitoring organized crime members and associates.

His concerns appear to be supported by recent revelations exposed by The Rock River Times that Chicago Mafia associate Nick Boscariono purchased three properties in Winnebago County since 2004; indictment in April of former Rockford resident and alleged Mob hit man Frank G. Saladino; destruction of Mob intelligence files in the mid-1980s by unknown Rockford Police officials; leasing of office space by the former Illinois Attorney General's office from a business group that in 1999 listed an alleged Mafia soldier as one of its members; and imprisonment in January 2005 of Frank Saladino's cousin, Joseph W. Saladino, on federal weapons charges.

Joe Saladino was found in February 1997 with a machine gun, butcher knife, tree-trimming saw, pipe wrench, billy club, two bolt cutters, two face masks, two handguns, and two books on how to make gun silencers in the trunk of his car.

I'm Italian. Well, I'm half Italian and was raised by the Italian half of the family. I spent my formative years in Westchester and Hillside, Illinois, and spent part of my youth slinging plates and serving drinks in restaurants. That's where I learned that whenever you find a bunch of Italian names, be suspicious, or at least curious. I was a sharp and curious kid. I got to know some of the players in my hometown and how they operated. The ones I knew are long gone, so I can talk about it now. And before y'all go off on me for condemning all Italians, I'm not. Not all Italians are "connected," and not all "connected" are Italian. I can say that. I'm Italian. Connect the dots and do it carefully. Some family members are separated by generations and also by philosophy, and I'm not saying that the sins of the fathers should be borne upon the sons, but favors and favoritism often do cross generational lines.

Something said about Meyers stuck in my mind from the endorsement: "He is Don Gasparini’s heir. He has employed and promoted members of his family and friends, including the Gasparinis, for years."

Besides being a writer, I'm also an amateur genealogist and historical researcher. I hit Google hard yesterday and learned a little history. Don Gasparini, Sr. was Meyer's predecessor, and his son, Don Jr., is a Chief Deputy. Don Jr. also is a trustee on the Harlem Township board. Before he was a sheriff, the elder Gasparini was an undertaker. The family business is still operating - The Gasparini and Oliveri Funeral Home.

Before we go any further, I suggest you read this page which gives you a pretty good history of Mob operations in Rockford and bios on the key players.

Like many other cities and especially Chicago, Rockford suddenly became active with bootleggers during the Prohibition era. Two gangsters on opposing sides of the fence would emerge on the scene at the same time and their war would bring about the Rockford crime family.

Paul Giovingo was considered the bootlegger's bootlegger. His rival was Antonio Musso, who had arrived from Madison, WI and had designs for controlling the stills and speakeasies surrounding Rockford. Italian gangsters from Chicago and Milwaukee were also in on the action.
Long story short, Musso became the Rockford boss in 1932. Here's where we make the Gasparini connection:
An item of noteworthy (sic) regarding Musso was his ability to pave the way for relocating gangsters. One in particular was Sam Oliveri who was born in Palermo, Sicily in 1895. Oliveri had first relocated to Chicago and became involved with what was called the Calumet City Cheese War. On the lam and looking for a home Musso invited Oliveri to Rockford. When the gangster arrived he quickly decided he wanted to go into the funeral business and proceeded to pressure John Gasparini, a well known and establish(ed) funeral parlor operator. When he refused Musso intervened and Gasparini had a new partner. Oliveri would remain an active soldier until his death in 1969. The funeral home would often be used for a meeting spot to iron out differences. The funeral home is still in operation today.
Poor John Gasparini. He was more a victim than anything else. But willing or not, he became part of the Rockford "family." I'm not sure of the relationship, but Don Gasparini, Sr. was an undertaker and worked at the funeral home which Don Jr.'s associates refer to as the family business even today. Just sayin'. There's a connection there.

There are plenty of other connections, too. Go back to this page and read about Frank Saladino and the brothers Salavatore "Sam" and Natale Galluzzo. You're smart - I don't have to spoon feed you. Go read it.

Chances are if you're arrested in Rockton or Loves Park, you'll be prosecuted by Paul Nicolosi, brother of Phil Nicolosi, who was appointed Winnebago State's Attorney a couple years ago when Paul Logli vacated the position, being appointed to a judgeship. (Isn't this already sounding a little crazy with all this "appointing" going on? I mean, aren't these supposed to be elected positions, with the "appointers" being We the People? )

Paul Nicolosi was disclosed as being a partner in a business venture called Buckley Partners, LLC. Along with Nicolosi, partners were Sam and Natale Galluzzo, and other members of the Nicolosi and Galluzzo families. In 1999, they owned property at the corner of Argus Drive and Perryville road, which they leased to Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan. They also owned another property on Ware avenue which they leased to the University of Illinois. Madigan's office abruptly left the building in 2003, citing "building code violations" as the reason for the quick exit, but officials in Rockford are just scratching their heads. It should also be noted that Sam Galluzzo's son, Geraldo "Gino" Galluzzo, is an attorney and partner in Paul Nicolosi's law firm.

Enter Daniel Salafsky. Salafsky worked for Paul Logli while Logli was still the State's Attorney. His father, Dr. Bernard Salafsky, was the Dean of the University of Illinois' College of Medicine in Rockford who gained attention for retaliating against a whistleblower, one Dr. Joseph Levenstein. Dr. Levenstein became alarmed when he noticed that about $2 million were missing from the school's koffers. Lawsuits flew all over the place, tens of millions of dollars disappeared (that's taxpayer dollars). Daniel was a real character. At the time he was working as an assistant State's Attorney he didn't have a license to practice, having failed to take required fitness and character evaluations. My money says he would have failed those, too, having been convicted of bank fraud in 1996, and later of theft, official misconduct and impersonating an attorney in 1999. In 1998, he stole $70,000 from the evidence room at the Rockford Police Department.

Believe it or not, the Medical School scandal tied into the crazy courthouse construction cartel through a couple of builders and architects, notably Ringland-Johnson Construction, Inc. and the Scandroli Construction company (Oh, boy... there's an Italian name again!). This article tells it all. Read it. The end of the article ties all of this to Sheriff Dick Meyers and (gasp) the Gasparini family, and we come full circle:


In 1997, Meyers was appointed Winnebago County Sheriff after the retirement of Don Gasparini (D). The same year, the former sheriff's son, Marc Gasparini (R) was appointed to the county circuit clerk's position after Ron Kotche retired from that post.

Sources said Kotche left the position before his term was complete to enable Marc Gasparini to get the job and run with the power of an incumbent. Sources alledge that in return , Kotche was sold a piece of property on Fish Hatchery Road by the elder Gasparini. Denying those allegations, Don Gasparini and Kotche's supporters argue the two stepped down in 1997 to take advantage of early retirement packages.

Marc Gasparini is currently asking the Winnebago County Board to re-zone about 7.5 acres of property near Kotche's property from agriculture to residential even though it is not consistent with the county's wetland use plan.


Joe Scandroli Sr.'s construction company is a partner with Johnson for the jail construction manager position. Reportedly, the elder Gasparini's sister is married to Scandroli Sr. The Scandroli family has recently contributed cash to the campaigns of Marc Gasparini, Meyers and Cohn.

So, is it any surprise that when the Harlem Township board considered passing an anti-nepotism ordinance in January of this year, Don Gasparini, Jr. voted against it? He was joined in this vote by Doug Aurand (also a county board member), whose wife earns about $10,000 a year as a part-time janitor, a position she has held for about eight years.

“The board felt that there was no need for an anti-nepotism resolution because Harlem Township has always hired the most qualified candidates available,” Aurand said.

It's also interesting to note how much money it took Gasparini to run for that little township position. Just sayin'.

What's also interesting is that way back in 1969, then State's Attorney Philip Reinhard declared Rockford's little "family" as "retired or inactive," and later admitted that during his 11-year tenure as Winnebago county's top prosecutor, he never knowingly prosecuted a single Mob member.

Jeff Havens, the former Rock River Times reporter who broke most of this stuff, has a lot of information on the Chicago Syndicate blog. The blog is fully searchable and you can get the dirt... er... the "scoop" and background on a lot of Rockford political types there. Go and have fun.

So, what does this all mean to you? In my experience, towns which have a strong Mob presence learn to co-exist with the forces that they feel are unbeatable. They negotiate the level of crime that will be tolerated in the community and work hand-in-hand with bosses. You, the resident and taxpayer have to deal with the consequences. You have to know who you're voting for, and for your sake, you better choose the guys and gals with guts. Corruption affects you at every level, and God forbid you should ever wind up in a fracas with the law. Winnebago county officials have not done you justice, and you cannot often find justice in Winnebago county. We're notorious. Don't file bankruptcy if you live in Winnebago county!

Oh, remember that little meeting that State Rep. Chuck Jefferson held? Here's his conclusion:

Jefferson closed the meeting by saying he supported County Board members' efforts to spearhead neighborhood watch programs. He also encouraged sensitivity training for police officers.


Just so we're clear - I'm not accusing anyone in this article of any crime, other than those who have already been identified as convicted of crimes or who exist on dossiers which are well-known. Being friends or family of criminals is not, in itself, criminal. I am, however, wary of those with criminal connections and the nepotism in Winnebago county is alarming.